Creating The Constitution 2 Question Preview (ID: 60536)

Creating A Constitution Test Review Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Period where business activity slows, prices and wages drop and unemployment rises
a) Inflation
b) Worker's Strike
c) Economic Depression
d) Bear Market

What is one reason many people called for changes to the Articles of Confederation
a) They opposed the Northwest Ordinance
b) They believed no ability to tax and a weak central government was ineffective
c) They thought the state governments were too weak
d) They thought the state governments were too weak

Father of the Constitution. Kept detailed notes during the Constitutional Convention. Drafted the original Bill of Rights.
a) George Mason
b) Thomas Jefferson
c) Roger Sherman
d) James Madison

What did the Virginia Plan call for?
a) A Legislative Branch appointed by the President
b) A President elected by the courts
c) A Legislative Branch based on population
d) Judges appointed by the Senate

What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called ?
a) Magna Carta
b) Declaration of Rights
c) Absolute Amendments
d) Bill of Rights

Elected President of the Constitutional Convention
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Benjamin Franklin
c) John Adams
d) George Washington

What states would have supported the New Jersey Plan ?
a) States with a large population
b) Southern States
c) States with a small population
d) Farming states

What did the Antifederalists support?
a) Rejecting the Constitution
b) Passing the Consitution
c) Keeping the Articles of Confederation
d) Revising the Articles of Confederation

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise?
a) The President could only be elected by a 3/5 majority
b) Three-Fifths of the states needed to vote for something for it to pass
c) Slaves counted as 3/5ths of a person in representative population count
d) None of the above

Which of the following statements best describes the Land Ordinance of 1785
a) It devised a plan to sell western lands
b) Land was sold for no less than $1 per acre
c) The money was used to pay war debts The money was used to pay war debts
d) All of the above

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