Environmental Science Quiz Question Preview (ID: 60501)

Environmental Science. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How could chemicals spilled on land end up in the Chesapeake Bay?
a) When it rains, runoff carries the chemicals
b) Animals carry the chemical
c) Chemicals cannot move
d) Air blows the chemicals

Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
a) Oil
b) Wind
c) Trees
d) Animals

Reducing your use of a resource so that it lasts longer is called
a) Conservation
b) Recycling
c) Hydropower
d) Nonrenewable

The study of the natural processes in the environment and how humans affect them is called
a) Environmental Science
b) Chemical Science
c) Space Science
d) Atmosphere Science

Fossil fuels are renewable because they replace themselves quicker than we use them.
a) False
b) True

Which of the following is NOT a way to conserve water?
a) Watering your lawn at night
b) Taking shorter showers
c) Doing full loads of laundry
d) Fixing leaky pipes

A natural resource is
a) Anything from nature that is useful to humans
b) Anything renewable
c) Anything nonrenewable
d) Anything that replaces itself quickly

Energy that comes from plants and animals is called
a) Biomass
b) Geothermal
c) Hydropower
d) Wind power

Geothermal energy comes from
a) Heat in the Earth
b) The sun
c) The wind
d) Plants and animals

Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?
a) Coal
b) Oil
c) Uranium
d) Natural Gas

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