Independent And Dependent Variables Question Preview (ID: 60498)

Choose Which Is The IV And Which Is The DV. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How many dependent variable(s) can you have in an experiment?
a) 2
b) 3
c) As many as you can measure
d) 1

The dependent variable is the variable that you change.
a) True
b) False

How many independent variables can you have in an experiment?
a) As many as you want.
b) 2
c) 1
d) 3

The dependent variable is the variable that you measure.
a) True
b) False

The independent variable is the one you measure.
a) True
b) False

The independent variable is the variable that you change.
a) True
b) False

Scientists wanted to determine the levels of pollution that a fish could withstand. They placed fish in tanks with differing pollution levels and timed how long they could live under those conditions. What is the DV?
a) Type of pollution
b) Level of pollution
c) Amount of time before death
d) Type of fish

Scientists wanted to determine the levels of pollution that a fish could withstand. They placced fish in tanks with differing pollution levels and timed how long they could live under those conditions. What is the IV?
a) Type of pollution
b) Amount of time survived
c) Type of fish
d) Levels of pollution

A scientist wanted to determine the color flower that bees are most attracted to. She placed different colors of the same type of flower near each other and counted the number of bees that visited each flower color. What is the DV?
a) Types of bees.
b) Number of bees
c) Type of flower
d) Color of the flower

A scientist wanted to determine the color flower that bees are most attracted to. She placed different colors if the same type of flower near each other and counted the number of bees that visited each flower color. What is the IV?
a) Type of flower
b) Number of bees
c) Color of the flower
d) Type of bees

To test the safety of a car crash, tests will test different types of cars in collision situations. They want to determine in which car the crash test dummy receives the least amount of damage. What is the IV?
a) Type of car
b) Type of dummy
c) Type of crash
d) Amount of damage

To test the safety of a car crash, tests will test different types of cars in collision situation. They want to determine in which car the crash test dummy receives the least amount of damage. What is the DV?
a) Number of dummies.
b) Amount of collisions
c) Amount of damage to the car
d) Amount of damage to the dummy.

In a study about headaches, doctors gave patients Alieve, Tylenol, Advil and Excedrin to see which medication would relieve the headache pain the fastest. The doctors timed how long it took the medication to work. What is the DV?
a) Types of pain relievers
b) Headaches
c) Amount of time until pain was relieved
d) Amount of medication.

I use different types of weed killers on my lawn to see which one kills the most weeds. What is the IV?
a) Amount of weeds killed.
b) Most weeds.
c) Types of weeds.
d) Type of weed killer.

In a study about headaches, doctors gave patients Alieve, Tylenol, Advil, and Excedrin to see which medication would relieve the headache pain the fastest. The doctors timed how long it took the medication to work. What is the IV?
a) The amount of time until the pain was relieved
b) Types of pain reliever
c) Headaches
d) Amount of medication

I use different types of weed killers on my lawn to see which one kills the most weeds. What is the DV?
a) Most weeds.
b) Types of weed killers
c) Amount of weeds killed
d) Types of weeds

A farmer applies different fertilizer to his cotton crops to see which will make his plants grow the highest. What is the dependent variable?
a) Type of fertilizer
b) Height of plants
c) Different cotton crops
d) Growth of plants

A farmer applies different fertilizer to his cotton crops to see which will make his plants grow the highest. What is the IV?
a) Type of fertilizer
b) Height of plants
c) Growth of plants
d) Different cotton crops

What is another name for independent variable?
a) manipulated
b) hypothesis
c) responding
d) constant

What is another name for dependent variable?
a) manipulated
b) responding
c) hypothesis
d) constant

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