The Giver: Ch. 17-23 QUIZ Question Preview (ID: 60484)

Review For The Final Chapters Of The Giver By Lois Lowry. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

By disappearing, Jonas can bring a sense of peace and calm to the community.
a) True
b) False

The Giver does not plan to leave the community with Jonas.
a) True
b) False

After escaping, what did Jonas hurt?
a) ankle
b) knee
c) wrist
d) rib

Why was it becoming more difficult for Jonas and Gabriel to travel?
a) flood
b) snow
c) earthquake

How does the author connect the end of the novel with previous events?
a) Jonas and Gabriel see a sailboat.
b) Jonas and Gabriel lay on a beach.
c) Jonas and Gabriel sled down a hill.

How did the natural world change as Jonas and Gabriel traveled further from the community?
a) They saw areas destroyed by war and neglected by the community.
b) They saw more animals and plants.
c) They saw the effects of natural disasters.

Why doesn't Jonas follow the Giver's escape plan?
a) He is upset with the Giver.
b) He was still unable to face his father.
c) He chose to bring Gabriel.

How did Jonas feel after watching the release?
a) intrigued but not upset
b) content and accepting
c) ready to cry

For what reason does Jonas stay the night at the Giver's dwelling?
a) He had to figure out how to save Gabriel.
b) He was upset after watching the infant's release.
c) The Giver was ill and he wanted to care for him.

Why did the last Receiver in Training fail?
a) She couldn't bear the pain of the memories.
b) Her memories were released back to the commmunity.
c) She asked to be released.
d) All of the above

Who was Rosemary?
a) the Giver's daughter and last Receiver
b) Lilly's best friend
c) Jonas's birthmother

Why did Jonas act strangely when he saw the young kids playing war?
a) Jonas recently received a memory of war that traumatized him.
b) Jonas realized the true pain of war.
c) Both answers are correct.
d) Neither

Jonas plans to swim across the river to escape.
a) True
b) False

At the top of the hill, Jonas finds a phone.
a) True
b) False

At the end of the novel, what does Jonas hear for the first time?
a) music
b) wind
c) car horns
d) rain

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