Slavery And Build Up To The Civil War Question Preview (ID: 60472)

Slavery. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What did the Missouri Compromise do?
a) Allow states do vote on whether they would be slave or free
b) Allow California in as a free state in exchange for the south getting the Fugitive Slave Law
c) Create a line of latitude, north of which would be free and south of which would be slave

This person led a raid on Harper's Ferry in an effort to free slaves
a) Harriet Tubman
b) John Brown
c) Frederick Douglas
d) Curtis Boo Boo Rouse

This abolitionist published 'The Liberator'
a) Harriet Beecher Stowe
b) William Lloyd Garrison
c) John Brown
d) Frederick Douglas

The election of this man in 1860 caused South Carolina to secede from the Union
a) Douglas Buchanan
b) Andrew Jackson
c) Abraham Lilncoln
d) John Tyler

a) sdf
b) sdf
c) sdf
d) sdf

a) asdf
b) asdf
c) asdf
d) sdf

a) sdfas
b) asdf
c) sdfasd
d) sdf

a) sdf
b) sdfasdf
c) asdfasd
d) sadfasdf

a) asdfas
b) sdfasdf
c) sdafasd
d) asdfasd

a) sdfasf
b) sdfasdf
c) sdfas
d) sdfasf

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