Literary Devices Question Preview (ID: 60469)

Review Literary Device Terms And Exampkes. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The pirates put up a white flag to signal their surrender.
a) symbolize
b) allusion
c) hyperbole
d) tone

There are a zillion stars in the sky tonight.
a) idiom
b) hyperbole
c) metaphor
d) tone

It is really raining cats and dogs outside.
a) simile
b) symbolize
c) idiom
d) onomatopoeia

The grass is an ocean of flowers.
a) metaphor
b) tone
c) personification
d) idiom

Cra-aack! The lightning streaked across the sky.
a) symbolism
b) alliteration
c) similie
d) onomatopoeia

He hammered so hard, the earth began to shake.
a) personification
b) hyperbole
c) allusion
d) tone

The men were jumping like a pack of frantic kangaroos.
a) hyperbole
b) tone
c) simile
d) symbolism

The boy believed blue birds bite.
a) personification
b) alliteration
c) allusion
d) onomatopoeia

The teacher is like an angry lion when she is mad.
a) simile
b) tone
c) metaphor
d) hyperbole

The wind was blowing so hard, the sun was scared to come out.
a) personification
b) allusion
c) metaphor
d) simile

The little girl jumped up and down with excitement. She was clearly very happy to be going to the carnival.
a) personification
b) tone
c) idiom
d) simile

Symbolism is when something in the text _______________________ something else.
a) makes
b) mimics
c) follows
d) represents

A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things.
a) idiom
b) allusion
c) metaphor
d) onomatopoeia

A figure of speech that compares two seemingly unlike things using 'like' or 'as'.
a) alliteration
b) simile
c) symbolism
d) hyperbole

A figure of speech that gives human like qualities or attributes to something nonhuman (like an animal or an object).
a) personification
b) allusion
c) metaphor
d) simile

A figure of speech that uses over exaggeration to make a point, express emotion, or evoke humor.
a) allusion
b) tone
c) metaphor
d) hyperbole

A reference to a well-known character, place, situation in history, or another literary work.
a) personification
b) allusion
c) alliteration
d) simile

The repetition of constant sounds, generally in the beginning of words.
a) hyperbole
b) tone
c) alliteration
d) symbolism

The use of a word or phrase that imitates or suggestions that sound it describes
a) idiom
b) onomatopoeia
c) metaphor
d) allusion

The author's attitude towards the writing.
a) tone
b) symbolism
c) metaphor
d) idiom

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