SS7H2 Middle East History Question Preview (ID: 60455)

European Partitioning, Creation Of Israel, U.S Presences In SW Asia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Conflicts over _______ and ________are continuing problems in the Middle East.
a) gold and diamonds
b) water and taxes
c) land and religion
d) oil and communism

Which two groups are involved in conflicts over land in Israel?
a) Persians and Arabs
b) Kurds and Arabs
c) Jews and Christians
d) Arabs and Jews

Israel was created at midnight on May 14th of what year?
a) 1918
b) 1945
c) 1948
d) 1967

Who controlled Iraq during both wars with the US?
a) Saddam Hussein
b) George Bush
c) Barrack Obama
d) Joe Biden

The people living in the Middle East were involved in creating the new countries' borders.
a) True
b) False

Who was president of the US during both wars with Iraq?
a) Saddam Hussein
b) George Bush
c) Barrack Obama
d) Donald Trump

What world organization created the new state of Israel in 1948 as a homeland for the Jews?
a) The League of Nations
b) The United States
c) The European Union
d) The United Nations

At the end of World War II, many Jewish Holocaust survivors migrated from Europe to Palestine because Palestine was_________________.
a) easily accessible by train
b) a land that the Jews had a religious connection to
c) well-protected from Nazi invasion
d) a very low populated country

Which of the following events started the Persian Gulf War in 1991?
a) Iraq invaded Kuwait
b) Israel was attacked
c) Terrorist attacks on 9-11
d) Saddam Hussein had WMDs and he was not following the restrictions put on his country

Which event was the cause of the United States invading Afghanistan?
a) Israel was attacked
b) The terrorist attacks on 9-11
c) Iraq invaded Kuwait
d) Saddam Hussein had WMDs and he was not following the restrictions put on his country

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the United States' involvement in the Middle East?
a) Oil
b) To fight terrorism
c) To gain land
d) To protect Israel

What large empire broke up after World War I?
a) Arab
b) Ottoman
c) Persian
d) Greek

Which two European countries divided the Middle East into countries after World War I?
a) Great Britain and Spain
b) France and the U.S.
c) Great Britain and France
d) France and Germany

After which event did the United States invade Iraq in 2003?
a) Terrorist attacks on 9/11
b) Israel was attacked
c) Iraq invaded Kuwait
d) Saddam Hussein had WMDs and he was not following the restrictions put on his country

Who was responsible for the 9-11 attacks in the U.S.?
a) Saddam Hussein
c) Osama bin Laden
d) Nazis

How did the Arabs living in Palestine in 1948 feel about the new creation of the new state of Israel?
a) Happy
b) Thankful
c) Angry
d) Excited

Which statement best describes the policies the United States has taken in regards to conflicts in Southwest Asia?
a) The U.S. refuses to get involved.
b) The U.S. gets involved only when we are attacked first.
c) U.S. gets involved when necessary to protect its own interests and the safety of U.S.
d) None of these

Why did so many countries in the United Nations feel it was right to create Israel in 1948?
a) Holocaust
b) Anti-Semitism
c) Zionism
d) All of these

Which of the following has the conflicts in the right chronological order?
a) Persian Gulf War, Invasion of Iraq, Invasion of Afghanistan
b) Invasion of Iraq, Invasion of Afghanistan, Persian Gulf War,
c) Invasion of Afghanistan, Persian Gulf War, Invasion of Iraq
d) Persian Gulf War, Invasion of Afghanistan, Invasion of Iraq

Which of the following was NOT an immediate effect of the Persian Gulf War?
a) the United States launched air strikes in Syria
b) the United Nations placed restrictions on Iraq
c) the United Nations deployed weapons inspectors to Iraq
d) the United States kept troops in the Middle East

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