Active/Passive Voice And POV/Suspense Question Preview (ID: 60453)

Test Over Active And Passive Voice Along With Point Of View And How Suspense Is Created. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Change the following sentence from passive voice to active voice: The game was won, and now the team advances to the finals.
a) The team advances to the final, and the game was won.
b) The team advances to the finals, and the game was won by them.
c) The team wins the game and advances to the finals.
d) The team was won and advances to the finals.

Change the following sentence from active to passive: Someone robbed the gas station last night.
a) The gas station was robbed last night.
b) The person robbed the gas station.
c) We don't know who robbed the gas station.
d) The man robbed the gas station.

The following sentence is written in which point of view? I cannot believe we're leaving for vacation today!
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person objective
d) Third person limited

Which sentence is in passive voice?
a) The driver crashed the bus into a tree.
b) The children were attacked while walking home.
c) The dog ate my homework.
d) The teacher assigned a new project.

The following sentence is written in which point of view? David and Clare were so happy they'd gotten a new dog; while David was excited to train him, Clare was happy just to have someone for snuggling.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person limited
d) Third person omniscient

The following sentence is in which point of view? She walked into the room, picked up her bag, frowned, and left.
a) First person
b) Third person limited
c) Third person objective
d) Third person omniscient

The following sentence is written in which point of view? Avery smiled; she knew her mom had forgiven her for being late to the party, but she wondered how long her dad would be upset.
a) Third person limited
b) First person
c) Third person omniscient
d) Second person

The following sentence is written in which point of view? First, take the materials and double check to make sure all the pieces are present.
a) First person
b) Second person
c) Third person limited
d) Third person objective

In The Cask of Amontillado, Montresor says his smile now was at the thought of his immolation. How does this line add to the suspense of the story?
a) Montresor wants to be like Fortunato, so he is mocking him.
b) Montresor is jealous of Fortunato because he knows all about wine.
c) Montresor has decided to kill Fortunato for revenge and smiles at the thought of it, which creates a creepy effect.
d) Montresor decides to take Fortunato down to the catacombs.

The narrator telling the reader over and over again that he is not mad in The Tell Tale Heart adds suspense to the story by...
a) Stereotyping those with mental illnesss.
b) Proving that the narrator did what he did because he couldn't help it.
c) Showing that those who struggled with mental illnesses in the past were not cared for.
d) Leading the reader to believe he is not to be trusted because his perspective of reality may not be true.

How would The Tell Tale Heart be different if it were told from the old man's perspective?
a) The reader would not know the old man's murder was being planned and he was being stalked.
b) The reader would know that something is not quite right with the original narrator.
c) The reader would believe that the old man's neighbors are nosy.
d) The reader would know that the old man is being stalked and his murder is being planned.

In The Tell Tale Heart, we hear the story from the narrator's point of view. How does Poe use this point of view to create suspense?
a) The readers know what both the old man and the narrator are thinking.
b) The narrator is unreliable, so the reader cannot trust him; we are unsure of everything he says and does.ays.
c) This point of view shows the neighbors hearing the screams and how they reacted.
d) The narrator is insane, so the reader knows he's made up this story.

Which sentence is written in active voice?
a) I was given no choice but to take the exam.
b) We were told the package would arrive by Friday.
c) When he was little, Freddie was taken to the park every Saturday morning.
d) Shirley bakes cakes for each of her children's birthdays.

Choose the sentence written in passive voice.
a) Wilton was sent to the principal's office each day.
b) Jarrell was really smart even though he didn't always behave.
c) Lucious Brown was the tallest kid in the class.
d) Heather always drives her truck to school

When is it appropriate to use passive voice?
a) If the writer wants to sound less aggressive.
b) If the subject is not known or if the writer wants to place more emphasis on what happened rather than who did it.
c) When the writer doesn't know how to say something.
d) Passive voice should be used regularly.

Active and passive voice focuses on _______.
a) Who the subject is
b) The relationship between the subject and the verb in a clause
c) Whether the verb is past tense or present tense
d) Who the subject is

Which sentence is written in active voice?
a) Erin was kicked out of the apartment for stealing.
b) The program was shut down because of a lack of funding.
c) Camille played with her favorite doll.
d) The grand slam was hit in the last few seconds of the game.

How would the following sentence be changed from passive voice to active voice? The pilot was sued for crashing the plane.
a) Because of the crash, the pilot was sued.
b) The pilot was sued.
c) The pilot was sued because of the crash.
d) The company sued the pilot for crashing the plane.

Change the following sentence from active to passive voice: Before he ran away, Effie's dog, Rudy, followed her everywhere.
a) Rudy ran away; he was Effie's dog.
b) Effie was followed by Rudy.
c) Everywhere she went, Rudy followed Effie.
d) Rudy followed Effie everywhere before he ran away.

Which of the following sentences is written in passive voice?
a) While playing near the outfield, Katherine was hit by a foul ball.
b) Shane and Jeremy decided to have a party together since their birthdays are a week apart.
c) Mrs. Wise reads her favorite book to the class after lunch each day.
d) My dog likes to chase me while I ride my bike.

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