Phrasal Verb 2 Question Preview (ID: 60445)

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I was really surprised when I __________ James at Christmas.
a) bumped into
b) bump into
c) bumps into
d) bumping into

Can I _________ my jacket on the hook?
a) hung up
b) hang up
c) hanging up
d) hangs up

I can't believe he _______ the phone before I ended the conversation.
a) hung up
b) hanging up
c) hangs up
d) hang up

If you go on like this, you'll ________ in prison.
a) ending up
b) ended up
c) ends up
d) end up

She keeps ______________ things.
a) bumped into
b) bumps into
c) bumping into
d) bump into

I _________ Helen on the train the other day.
a) bumped into
b) bumping into
c) bumps into
d) bump into

We couldn't get tickets for China so we _________ going to India instead.
a) ended up
b) ends up
c) ending up
d) end up

Your dressing gown is ____________ behind the door.
a) hung up
b) hanging up
c) hangs up
d) hang up

He _________ his cousin at the bookstore every week.
a) bump into
b) bumped into
c) bumps into
d) bumping into

He didn't want to __________ like his father.
a) ends up
b) ended up
c) ending up
d) end up

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