Period 3 Review Question Preview (ID: 60443)

Review For Period 3 Learning Celebration. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following except
a) invoke the natural rights of humankind to justify revolt
b) argue that royal tyranny justified revolt
c) catalog the tyrannical actions of King George III
d) offered the British one last chance at reconciliation

When colonists shouted “No taxation without representation,” they were rejecting Parliament’s power to
a) legislate for the colonies in any matter whatsoever
b) enforce the old Navigation laws
c) levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies
d) choose colonial legislators who would pass taxes

The Viriginia and Kentucky Resolutions were written in response to
a) the XYZ Affair
b) the Alien and Sedition Acts
c) Thomas Jefferson’s presidential candidacy in 1800
d) the Federalist papers

The Bill of Rights was intended to protect _______ against the potential tyranny of ______________.
a) Congress, the President
b) the South, the northern majority
c) the army and navy, the national government
d) individual liberties, a strong central government

Hamilton expected that the revenue to pay the interest on the national debt would come from
a) sales taxes and licensing fees
b) income and property taxes
c) tariffs and an excise tax
d) foreign aid

Alexander Hamilton believed that a limited national debt
a) would do great harm to the nation’s economy
b) could persuade individuals and nations not to lend money to the United States
c) might lead to military weakness
d) was beneficial, because people to whom the government owed money would work hard to make the nation a success

Shay’s Rebellion convinced many American of the need for
a) a stronger central government
b) granting long-delayed bonuses to Revolutionary War veterans
c) lower taxes
d) a weaker military presence in the West

In the wake of the Proclamation of 1763
a) American colonists moved west, defying the Proclamation
b) relations with the French improved
c) American colonists obeyed the law they hated
d) relations between the American colonies and the British government improved

Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796
a) warmly endorsed the appearance of two contending political parties
b) was delivered to a joint session of Congress by Washington himself
c) warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances
d) all of the above

The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for
a) regulating interstate commerce
b) apportioning congressional representation
c) levying taxes for raising a militia
d) electing the president

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