Unit 3A Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 60436)
3A Vocabulary - Literary Elements.
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Authors Purpose
a) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
b) Information found in the poem
c) The main and most easily recognizable purpose
d) picture or other image within a text
a) Where the characters are mentioned
b) Most exciting moment of the story; turning point (OMG)
c) wraps up the story
d) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
a) wraps up the story
b) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
c) A struggle between opposing forces
d) Most exciting moment of the story; turning point (OMG)
Falling Action
a) Most exciting moment of the story; turning point (OMG)
b) A struggle between opposing forces
c) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
d) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
a) Description that appeals to the senses (Author's use of language)
b) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
c) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
d) A struggle between opposing forces
Figurative Language
a) A struggle between opposing forces
b) Language that cannot be taken literally. Written to create a special effect or feeling
c) Description that appeals to the senses (Author's use of language)
d) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
a) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
b) Language that cannot be taken literally. Written to create a special effect or feeling
c) Sequence of events in a story
d) Most exciting moment of the story; turning point (OMG)
Point of View
a) Sequence of events in a story
b) Language that cannot be taken literally. Written to create a special effect or feeling
c) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
d) The perspective from which a story is told
a) End of the story where loose ends are tied up
b) The perspective from which a story is told
c) Sequence of events in a story
d) Description that appeals to the senses (Author's use of language)
Rising Action
a) End of the story where loose ends are tied up
b) Events leading up to the climax
c) The perspective from which a story is told
d) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
a) Events leading up to the climax
b) End of the story where loose ends are tied up
c) Where and when the story takes place
d) Description that appeals to the senses (Author's use of language)
Text Structure
a) Description that appeals to the senses (Author's use of language)
b) End of the story where loose ends are tied up
c) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
d) How the information with a written text is organized
a) The lesson or the message from the story
b) How the information with a written text is organized
c) Events leading up to the climax
d) The reason the authors has for writing (PIE)
a) Events leading up to the climax
b) A result or consequence
c) How the information with a written text is organized
d) The lesson or the message from the story
Folk Tale
a) The lesson or the message from the story
b) A result or consequence
c) A story passed down from person to person by word of mouth
d) The lesson or the message from the story
a) Events after the climax, leading to the resolution
b) Sequence of events in a story
c) To give special attention to something, to stress
d) The lesson or the message from the story
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