Holes Question Preview (ID: 60433)

Chapters 1-35. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who takes over Zero's bunk?
a) Twitch
b) X-Ray
c) Caveman
d) Nobody

What does the Warden order Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski to do after Zero runs away?
a) Erase all records of him
b) Run after him
c) Force X-Ray to tell where he is
d) Call the state and report him missing

Who did Zero hit with the shovel?
a) Mr. Pendanski
b) Mr. Sir
c) X-Ray
d) The Warden

Why was Sam killed?
a) He kissed Kate Barlow
b) His onion juice made a child die
c) He repaired the school
d) He shot the sheriff

What is Zero's real name?
a) Hector Zeroni
b) Hector Martinez
c) Martin Zeroni
d) Clive Livingston

The warden hurt Mr. Sir by
a) scratching him with her nails
b) pushing him in a hole
c) hitting him with a shovel
d) slapping him

How did Stanley's great-grandfather survive in the desert?
a) He found refuge on God's thumb
b) He lived off cactus juice
c) He carried plenty of water with him
d) He found a cave with supplies

What does Zero not know how to do?
a) Read
b) Do math
c) Dig
d) Sing

The secret ingredient in the warden's nail polish is
a) rattlesnake venom
b) cherries
c) turpentine
d) fish oil

What is special about Stanley's name?
a) It is spelled the same forward and backwards
b) He was the first person in his family to be named Stanley
c) It was given to him by Madame Zeroni
d) It was given to him by Kate Barlow

What tradition do the boys have after they finish every hole?
a) They spit in it
b) They name it
c) They kick dirt back into it
d) They fill it back in

How are the boys supposed to measure the holes that they dig?
a) With their shovels
b) The warden comes and measures
c) They are given rulers
d) With their arms

Describe Stanley when he arrives at Camp Green Lake
a) Overweight and out of shape
b) Thin and frail
c) Tall and lanky
d) Tiny and short

What happened to Stanley's great grandfather's fortune?
a) It was stolen by Kate Barlow
b) He lost it in a poker game
c) The bank kept it
d) It was taken by Jesse James

Who does Stanley's family say is the cause of their bad luck?
a) Stanley's great-great grandfather
b) Stanley's father
c) Stanley's grandfather
d) Madame Zeroni

What animal does Camp Green Lake NOT have?
a) Alligators
b) Rattlesnakes
c) Scorpions
d) Yellow spotted lizards

Where does Stanley find Zero?
a) Under Sam's boat
b) In the Sheriff's office
c) On God's Thumb
d) In the Wreck Room

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