U.S. History - Unit 5 (SSUSH9c) Question Preview (ID: 60413)

Leaders During The Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When the Civil War began, which side had the advantage in terms of military leadership?
a) the Confederacy
b) the Union
c) ###
d) ####

Since Robert E. Lee was from Virginia, when the Civil War began:
a) he joined the Confederacy
b) he joined the Union Army
c) he stayed neutral during the conflict
d) he resigned from Congress

Which of the following was a skilled Confederate general?
a) Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson
b) William T. Sherman
c) Ulysses S. Grant
d) Jefferson Davis

Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson was killed during:
a) the Battle of Chancellorsville
b) the Battle of Antietam
c) the Battle of Gettysburg
d) the Siege of Vicksburg

Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman were:
a) aggressive in warfare
b) generals in the Confederacy
c) Congressmen who supported the expansion of slavery
d) unskilled generals in the Union Army

At the conclusion of the Civil War, Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant:
a) at Appomattox Courthouse
b) at the White House
c) in Philadelphia, PA
d) in New York City

Who led the March to the Sea?
a) William T. Sherman
b) Jefferson Davis
c) Robert E. Lee
d) Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson

How did the March to the Sea affect the Confederacy?
a) It demoralized the Confederacy.
b) It pushed the Confederacy to continue slavery.
c) It forced the Confederacy to launch the Battle of Gettysburg.
d) ####

Who was the president of the Confederate States of America?
a) Jefferson Davis
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) Robert E. Lee
d) Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson

As president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis:
a) never gained diplomatic alliances with any European countries
b) took over the state of New York
c) surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse
d) ####

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