U.S. History - Unit 4a (SSUSH8e) Question Preview (ID: 60384)

Events Leading To The Civil War. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Popular sovereignty is the idea that:
a) people in each territory can vote for or against slavery
b) state legislatures would determine the issue of slavery in each location
c) ###
d) ####

Popular sovereignty was approved by Congress with:
a) the Kansas-Nebraska Act
b) the Missouri Compromise
c) the Compromise of 1850
d) ####

Which political party began in the 1850s... and was opposed to the expansion of slavery?
a) The Republican Party
b) The Whig Party
c) The Democratic Party
d) ####

The decision in the Dred Scott v. Sanford case was a victory for:
a) Southerners
b) Republicans
c) abolitionists
d) ####

John Brown, who wanted to begin a slave war, launched a raid for weapons at:
a) Harper's Ferry, VA
b) Savannah, GA
c) Frankfort, KY
d) Washington, DC

John Brown's Raid encouraged Southern states to:
a) prepare militias for a possible war
b) repeal slavery
c) vote for Abraham Lincoln in the Election of 1860
d) ####

The winner of the Election of 1860 was:
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) John Bell
c) Stephen Douglas
d) John Breckinridge

What occurred upon the election of Abraham Lincoln as president?
a) The Southern states seceded from the U.S.
b) The Compromise of 1850 was repealed.
c) John Brown launched a raid in Virginia.
d) Texas was annexed by the U.S.

After the Dred Scott case, it became apparent that the only way to prohibit slavery was:
a) a constitutional amendment
b) a law passed by Congress
c) a compromise between Republicans and Democrats
d) ####

'Bleeding Kansas' refers to:
a) the fighting that occurred between pro-slavery and anti-slavery Americans in Kansas
b) Lincoln's election as president
c) debates that took place over Manifest Destiny
d) discussions about Jacksonian Democracy

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