Digestion Review Question Preview (ID: 60321)

Review Of The Digestive System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The smell or sight of food causes the production of this in the mouth
a) chyme
b) saliva
c) gastric acid
d) bile

Fingerlike projections in the small intestine that absorb nutrients.
a) colon
b) chyme
c) villi
d) liver

The thick liquid that is made from churned food and gastric juice.
a) chyme
b) bile
c) intestinal juice
d) pancreatic juice

This organ turns nutrients into forms needed by the body and stores up unneeded nutrients for future use.
a) pancreas
b) small intestine
c) large intestine
d) liver

Wavelike motion that moves food down the esophagus.
a) villi
b) peristalsis
c) premium
d) protractor

This vein carries nutrients to the liver
a) portal
b) pulmonary
c) varicose
d) carotid

Carbohydrates break down into
a) amino acids
b) fatty acids
c) glucose
d) chyme

Proteins break down into
a) amino acids
b) fatty acids
c) glucose
d) chyme

Fats break down into
a) amino acids
b) fatty acids
c) glucose
d) chyme

Waste material goes to the
a) small intestine
b) appendix
c) large intestine
d) stomach

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