Quiz 8: And Your Name Is? Question Preview (ID: 60314)

Hosp-, -onym, Host-. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a name for something that is formed from the first letter of each of the words in a title
a) anonymous
b) hostile
c) synonym
d) acronym

a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment and where babies are often born
a) pseudonym
b) hospital
c) acronym
d) hostage

a person who is captured by someone who demands that certain things be done before the captured person is freed
a) anonymous
b) hospital
c) antonym
d) hostage

a name a person, such as a write, uses instead of his or her real name
a) pseudonym
b) antonym
c) acronym
d) homonym

generous and friendly to guests or visitors
a) hostile
b) acronym
c) hospitable
d) hostile

not named or identified; done by someone unknown
a) hospital
b) acronym
c) anonymous
d) hostile

a word that means the opposite as another word
a) synonym
b) pseudonym
c) hospitable
d) antonym

not friendly; having or showing unfriendly feelings; harsh or unpleasant
a) hostile
b) anonymous
c) hostage
d) hospital

a word that is spelled and pronounced like another word but is different in meaning
a) synonym
b) homonym
c) pseudonym
d) acronym

a word that has the same or similar meaning as another word
a) synonym
b) hospital
c) antonym
d) hostile

a) hosp
b) -onym
c) host

a) hosp
b) -onym
c) host

stranger, enemy
a) hosp
b) -onym
c) host

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