Weathering And Soil, 6th Grade Question Preview (ID: 60310)

Rocks And Weathering. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Most garden plants grow best in soil with a pH between
a) 6 and 7.5
b) 5 and 6.5
c) 7 and 8.5
d) 4 and 6.5

Which method of conservation involves plowing dead weeds and stalks from the previous year's crop into the soil?
a) conservation plowing
b) contour plowing
c) crop rotation
d) stubble plowing

Legumes take ___ from the air or soil and convert it into forms that plants can use.
a) nitrogen
b) oxygen
c) carbon
d) carbon dioxide

Which of the following methods is best?
a) rotating crops planted in a field each year
b) planting the same crop each year in the same field
c) plowing in straight lines over a hill
d) getting rid of all leftover plant pieces after harvest

If a soil is really acidic, things won't grow.
a) true
b) false

This soil horizon contains topsoil.
a) A horizon
b) B horizon
c) C horizon
d) bedrock

Soil___ is a measure of how well plants grow in the soil.
a) fertility
b) texture
c) pH
d) goodness

The largest soil particle size is
a) gravel
b) silt
c) sand
d) clay

Soil includes
a) all
b) water
c) air
d) decaying organic material

___ is produced when pollution mixes with rainwater.
a) acid rain
b) soil
c) fog
d) smoke

Which climate will see the most weathering?
a) wet and hot
b) wet and cold
c) dry and hot
d) dry and cold

An agent of chemical weathering is
a) oxidation
b) abrasion
c) burrowing animals
d) removal of pressure

Mechanical weathering usually happens quickly
a) false
b) true

Which kind of weathering produces new minerals as it breaks down rock?
a) chemical
b) mechanical
c) physical
d) wind

Mechanical weathering can be done by
a) all of the options
b) abrasion
c) burrowing animals
d) plant roots

Weathering involves the removal of rock material while erosion is just when chemicals break down rock
a) false
b) true

The processes that happen on Earth today are the same ones that happened long ago
a) uniformitarianis
b) catastrophism
c) conservation
d) grandfather clause

The organisms that break down the remains of dead organisms are called
a) decomposers
b) mitochondria
c) lysosomes
d) legumes

This horizon forms when bedrock starts to weather.
a) C horizon
b) B horizon
c) A horizon
d) bedrock

Plant roots can cause ___ weathering
a) mechanical and chemical
b) mechanical
c) chemical
d) no

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