First Ten Words- Workshop 1 Part 1- Stand Up Question Preview (ID: 60308)

Vocabulary Words. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) someone who publicly supports a person or cause
b) to give items to other people
c) using violent/cruel words or actions against a person or an animal
d) a feeling of strong disagreement toward something

a) someone who publicly supports a person or cause
b) to successfully do something
c) the inability to read or write
d) Earn to receive money for a job you do

a) someone who publicly supports a person or cause
b) a group that is formed for a specific purpose
c) the state of knowing that you deserve respect
d) the ability to respect other people’s beliefs or opinions without criticizing or judging them

a) to refuse to allow someone to do or have something
b) the inability to read or write
c) using violent/cruel words or actions against a person or an animal
d) to be seen or start to exist

a) the state of knowing that you deserve respect
b) a feeling of strong disagreement toward something
c) someone who publicly supports a person or cause
d) things that you can have or do to meet basic needs

a) to be connected to a person or thing
b) the ability to respect other people’s beliefs or opinions without criticizing or judging them
c) the inability to read or write
d) a feeling of strong disagreement toward something

a) using violent/cruel words or actions against a person or an animal
b) the state of knowing that you deserve respect
c) a feeling of strong disagreement toward something
d) to receive money for a job you do

a) to refuse to allow someone to do or have something
b) things that you can have or do to meet basic needs
c) to receive money for a job you do
d) a feeling of strong disagreement toward something

a) the ability to respect other people’s beliefs or opinions without criticizing or judging them
b) to give items to other people
c) things that you can have or do to meet basic needs
d) to be connected to a person or thing

a) someone who publicly supports a person or cause
b) to refuse to allow someone to do or have something
c) the state of knowing that you deserve respect
d) a feeling of strong disagreement toward something

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