U.S. History - Unit 4 (SSUSH7d, SSUSH8a) Question Preview (ID: 60306)

The Issue Of Slavery The Missouri Compromise. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The invention of the cotton gin and the concept of westward expansion... led to:
a) an increase in slavery in the South
b) an end to slavery in the South
c) increased slavery in the North
d) a reduction of slavery in new territories

During the early 1800s, politicians attempted to create a perfect equilibrium in order to:
a) maintain an equal number of free and slave states
b) reduce the power of the Senate
c) control the Whig Party
d) slow down the temperance movement

What caused the collapse of the Whig Party?
a) arguments over slavery
b) multiple political assassinations
c) the Missouri Compromise
d) the Declaration of Sentiments

William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass are two examples of:
a) abolitionists
b) Whigs
c) leaders of the Second Great Awakening
d) Congressmen from New York

As slave rebellions became more common in the South:
a) state legislatures passed stricter laws against slaves
b) many Southern states got rid of slavery
c) ###
d) ####

By 1819, there were exactly...
a) 11 free states and 11 slave states
b) more slave states than free states
c) more free states and slave states
d) ####

Due to the equal numbers of free and slave states, there was equal representation in:
a) the Senate
b) the House of Representatives
c) the executive branch
d) ####

In 1820, when Missouri applied to become a state:
a) Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state
b) Missouri wanted to enter as a free state
c) ####
d) ###

The Missouri Compromise was proposed by:
a) Henry Clay
b) Andrew Jackson
c) John C. Calhoun
d) William Lloyd Garrison

The Missouri Compromise allowed Missouri to enter the U.S. as a slave state while...
a) Maine entered as a free state
b) Nebraska entered as a free state
c) Minnesota entered as a free state
d) ####

The Missouri Compromise created a geographic division that:
a) divided the nation between North and South
b) divided the nation between East and West
c) ###
d) ####

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