U.S. History - Unit 4 (SSUSH7b) Question Preview (ID: 60303)

Henry Clay And The American System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Part of the American System was the re-establishment of:
a) the National Bank
b) the Tenth Amendment
c) Philadelphia as the capital of the United States
d) states' rights

Henry Clay's plan for expanding American production was known as:
a) the American System
b) the Great Compromise
c) the Kentucky Resolution
d) ####

Henry Clay was the founder and leader of:
a) the Whig Party
b) the Democratic Party
c) ###
d) ####

Which method of transportation began in the U.S. during the 1830s... and was more efficient than previous methods?
a) railroads
b) barges
c) steamships
d) federal highways

The Erie Canal, which opened in 1825, linked the Atlantic Ocean to:
a) the Great Lakes
b) the Mississippi River
c) St. Louis
d) the Rocky Mountains

Henry Clay and Whigs wanted to build...
a) a transportation network to link regions of the U.S. together
b) a new capital for the U.S.
c) the Trail of Tears
d) ####

The Industrial Revolution...
a) had long-lasting effects on the U.S.
b) was the most significant reason for the Civil War
c) began in the U.S. and migrated to Great Britain
d) made transportation more difficult in the U.S.

When did the Industrial Revolution arrive in the U.S.?
a) the early 1800s
b) the late 1800s
c) the mid-1700s
d) ####

What did the Whig Party believe about industrialization?
a) The federal government should heavily invest in industrialization.
b) Local governments should handle industrialization.
c) Business owners are responsible for industrialization.
d) ####

American industrialization began after...
a) the War of 1812
b) the Civil War
c) the Spanish-American War
d) the American Revolution

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