Govt- Chapter 7, Section 3 Question Preview (ID: 60263)

Congress. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Lawmakers represent:
a) Themselves
b) Citizens of their districts and their own political parties
c) Political Action Committees (PACs)
d) Judicial review and executive orders

How do congressional staff members influence lawmakers' decisions?
a) Using the power of judicial review
b) Issuing executive orders
c) Sending out newsletter
d) Controlling the info. on which lawmakers base their decisions

Which of the following is an important influence on a lawmakers' decision making?
a) Foreign policy making
b) Concerns of voters back home
c) Subcommittees
d) Judicial Review

Which of the following is a way the president can have influence on Congress?
a) Nominating a federal judge
b) Running for reelection
c) Using the media to rally public opinion
d) Faithfully executing laws

Which of the following is a way lawmakers can keep in touch with voters' opinions?
a) Opinion surveys
b) Newsletters
c) Lobbyists
d) Political Action Committees (PACs)

Political fund-raising organizations established by corporations, labor unions and other special-interest groups:
a) Political Action Committees (PACs)
b) Lobbyists
c) Democrats
d) Republicans

This group tends to vote in favor of business:
a) Lobbyists
b) Political Action Committees (PACs)
c) Republicans
d) Democrats

Congress did not follow the president's lead for military action in the Persian Gulf until swayed by:
a) Lobbyist
b) Executive orders
c) Public opinion
d) Political Action Committees (PACs)

These individuals try to convince members of Congress to support policies favored by the groups they represent:
a) Administrative assistants
b) Caseworkers
c) Conference committees
d) Lobbyists

This group tends to favor social welfare programs:
a) Lobbyists
b) Political Action Committees (PACs)
c) Democrats
d) Republicans

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