Unit 3 The Political Process Vocabulary Review Question Preview (ID: 60221)
Review Important Terms From Unit 3, The Political Process.
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A belief that limited government is best, with little oversight of businesses, plus strong support for traditional lifestyle choices
a) Editorials
b) Bias
c) Voter Apathy
d) Conservative
One reason why citizens may fail to vote; lack of interest
a) Voter Apathy
b) Editorials
c) Bias
d) Conservative
Being in favor of or against a group in an unfair, one-sided way
a) Conservative
b) Voter Apathy
c) Editorials
d) Bias
Writings that reflect the opinion of a newspaper or magazine
a) Conservative
b) Bias
c) Voter Apathy
d) Editorials
The people’s vote
a) Third Party
b) Electorate
c) Popular Vote
d) Propaganda
Misleading information, used to promote a political cause or point of view
a) Third Party
b) Propaganda
c) Popular Vote
d) Electorate
A large group of people that are entitled to vote
a) Propaganda
b) Popular Vote
c) Third Party
d) Electorate
A political party organized as opposition to the existing parties in a two-party system
a) Electorate
b) Popular Vote
c) Propaganda
d) Third Party
A belief that government action is the best way to achieve equal opportunity, protect civil rights, and help those in need
a) Op-ed Pieces
b) Candidate
c) Ballot
d) Liberal
Person running for political office
a) Liberal
b) Candidate
c) Op-ed Pieces
d) Ballot
A document on which a voter will choose a candidate for election
a) Liberal
b) Op-ed Pieces
c) Ballot
d) Candidate
Articles that do not report facts but instead offer a person’s opinions
a) Ballot
b) Liberal
c) Candidate
d) Op-ed Pieces
A group that shares similar political views and works together to recruit and nominate candidates and help them win elections
a) Media
b) Swing State
c) Political Party
d) Democrats
States, such as Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, where Republicans and Democrats have similar levels of voter support
a) Political Party
b) Media
c) Swing State
d) Democrats
One of the two parties in the American political process that is known to be more liberal
a) Political Party
b) Swing State
c) Media
d) Democrats
Means of mass communication; examples include TV, newspaper, Internet
a) Swing State
b) Political Party
c) Media
d) Democrats
A body of electors chosen by the voters in each state to elect the president and vice president of the U.S.
a) Electoral College
b) Electors
c) PACs (Political Action Committees)
d) Platform
Statements describing a political party’s views on major issues; the set of beliefs the party stands on and represents
a) Platform
b) PACs (Political Action Committees)
c) Electoral College
d) Electors
Special-interest groups—private organizations, such as unions or trade groups, that spend huge sums of money in hopes of influencing an election
a) Electors
b) Platform
c) Electoral College
d) PACs (Political Action Committees)
One of the two major parties in the American political process that is known to be more conservative
a) Democrat
b) Third Party
c) Republican
d) PACs (Political Action Committees)
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