6 Essential Nutrients Review Question Preview (ID: 60220)

Nutrition. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The six essential nutrients are water, protein, oils and fats, vitamins, minerals, and
a) grains
b) carbohydrates
c) fruit
d) vegetables

Water is essential because it regulates our body temperature, hydrates our bodies, and
a) provides us energy
b) builds muscle and tissue
c) insulates our organs
d) carries nutrients to cells

Carbohydrates are our main source of
a) vitamins
b) minerals
c) energy
d) fat

These are the two types of carbohydrates
a) simple and difficult
b) short and long
c) simple and complex
d) open and closed

What is a good source of carbohydrates
a) whole grains
b) pancake syrup
c) soda
d) steak

Protein is used in our body to:
a) give us energy
b) build and maintain muscle and tissues
c) build strong bones
d) improve our vision

This nutrient insulates protects our organs.
a) protein
b) water
c) fats
d) carbohydrates

Which food group is our best source of protein?
a) meat, beans, nuts
b) whole grain oats
c) brown rice
d) milk

Which of the following is considered a saturated fat?
a) avacodo oil
b) olive oil
c) salt
d) butter

Which of the following fats is considered healthy?
a) unsaturated
b) saturated
c) trans fat
d) coconut oil

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