Human Skeletal System Question Preview (ID: 60218)

Anatomy And Physiology Of The Human Skeletal System. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The vertebrae and the pelvic bones are considered to be
a) long bones
b) short bones
c) flat bones
d) irregular bones

The shaft of a long bone is known as the
a) epiphysis
b) diaphysis
c) head
d) marrow

The adult human skeleton contains approximately how many bones?
a) 196
b) 206
c) 236
d) 107

The axial skeleton includes the bones of the
a) hips
b) skull, ribs and spine
c) shoulders and hips
d) arms and legsTh

The bone cells or osteocytes that produce new bone are know as
a) lamellae
b) lacunae
c) osteoblasts
d) osteoclasts

The number of vertebrae in order from cervical to thoracic to lumbar is
a) 12, 5, 12
b) 7, 5, 12
c) 7, 12, 5
d) 5. 12. 7

Ribs that are not connected to the sternum at all are the
a) floating ribs
b) true ribs
c) false ribs
d) xiphoid process

?Which of the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system ?
a) support
b) protection
c) red blood cell production
d) temperature control

A bone fracture in which the bone breaks through the skin is known as a
a) greenstick fracture
b) compound fracture
c) spiral fracture
d) impacted fracture

When compared to the male pelvis, the female pelvis is
a) heavier bone
b) narrower
c) shorter
d) smaller pubic arch, less than 90 degrees

The strongest bone in the skeleton is the
a) cranium
b) radius
c) femur
d) humerus

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