Module 4 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 60211)

Emotional Health. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The ability to handle the stresses and changes of everyday life in a reasonable way
a) mental/emotional health
b) confidence
c) self-esteem
d) personality

Having a positive attitude about the future
a) optimistic
b) adapt
c) resilience
d) confidence

To adjust to new situations
a) adapt
b) personality
c) resilience
d) confidence

A combination of your feelings, likes, dislikes, attitudes, abilities, and habits
a) personality
b) adapt
c) optimistic
d) confidence

The way you view yourself overall
a) self-concept
b) self-esteem
c) personality
d) optimistic

How you feel about yourself
a) self-esteem
b) self-concept
c) confidence
d) adapt

Belief in your ability to do what you set out to do
a) confidence
b) self-esteem
c) personality
d) optimistic

The ability to recover from problems or loss
a) resilience
b) confidence
c) adapt
d) personality

Having a positive attitude about the future
a) optimistic
b) adapt
c) personality
d) resilience

To adjust to new situations
a) adapt
b) optimistic
c) confidence
d) self-concept

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