Number The Stars Vocabulary 9-13 Question Preview (ID: 60193)

Vocabulary Quiz For Chapters 9-13 Of Number The Stars. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word means without really wanting to; unwilling?
a) dismayed
b) wryly
c) reluctantly
d) winced

What is the definition of dismayed?
a) to stick out
b) to mimic or impersonate
c) to flinch from pain
d) disheartened; disappointed

Which word means to be stretched or spread out in an unnatural or ungraceful way?
a) sprawling
b) protruding
c) winced
d) wryly

Which word means in a mocking or amusing way?
a) wryly
b) protruding
c) imitating
d) reluctantly

What is the definition of the word typhus?
a) without really wanting to; unwilling
b) a disease that causes headache, fever, and a rash
c) to stick out
d) to mimic or impersonate

which word means to stick out
a) wryly
b) protruding
c) winced
d) sprawling

What is the definition of the word imitating?
a) to flinch from pain
b) in a mocking or amusing way
c) to stick out
d) to mimc or impersonate

What is the definition of the word winced?
a) to flinch from pain
b) disheartened; disappointed
c) without really wanting to; unwilling
d) to mimic or impersonate

What was in the casket?
a) Great-aunt Birte
b) Blankets and warm coats
c) nothing at all
d) Ellen's family

What did Mama say that stopped the soldiers from opening the casket?
a) That Great-aunt Birte had typhus
b) That the casket was empty

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