Spelling List 3 Question Preview (ID: 60185)

Yourself Maybe Veteran Complete Rather Crowd Since Fresh Piece Cotton Usually Character Friend Whom Order Heard Villain Basin Carton Become. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) dentist
b) denis
c) dantist
d) denntis

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) yourself
b) yourselv
c) youslef

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) rather
b) ratheir
c) wrather

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) crowd
b) crow
c) croud

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) since
b) senc
c) sinse

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) fresh
b) freash
c) frech

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) piece
b) peece
c) peice

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) cotton
b) cotten
c) kotten
d) kotton

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) usually
b) uzually
c) usualy

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) character
b) charactor
c) charector

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) friend
b) freind
c) frind
d) frend

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) whom
b) whoom
c) whoon

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) order
b) odrer
c) ooder

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) beard
b) berad
c) bierd

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) heard
b) hedr
c) haerd

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) villian
b) vilian
c) villyan
d) viliann

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) basin
b) bacin
c) bazin

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) carton
b) cartone
c) cartoone
d) karton

Which word is spelled correctly?
a) become
b) beecom
c) becomb
d) becom

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