Unit 2 Citizenship Test Review Question Preview (ID: 60183)

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Which of the First Amendment freedoms allows people to choose which church they attend or not to attend one at all?
a) Assembly
b) Religion
c) Petition
d) Press

Which Amendment protects citizens from unfair actions from the state governments?
a) 3rd Amendment
b) 14th Amendment
c) 1st Amendment
d) 2nd Amendment

Which First Amendment freedom allows people to gather peacefully?
a) Assembly
b) Press
c) Religion
d) Petition

How can you obtain U.S. Citizenship?
a) By birth or naturalization
b) By naturalization or representation
c) By naturalization or immigration
d) By birth or immigration

The 14th Amendment to the constitution does which of the following?
a) Gave women the right to vote
b) Defines the process for becoming a citizen.
c) Gave citizens the right to bear arms.
d) Gave citizens the right to free speech.

A legal member of a country is a _______?
a) Citizen
b) Immigrant
c) Visitor
d) Refugee

The legal process by which an immigrant becomes a citizen is ________?
a) Census
b) Alien
c) Government
d) Naturalization

The plan of government that lays out the structure and powers of the government as well as protections for citizens is called?
a) Amendment
b) Declaration of Independence
c) Constitution
d) Charter

The writers of the Constitution added the Bill of Rights in order to fulfill what goal of the government?
a) Secure the blessings of liberty
b) Promote the general welfare
c) Insure domestic tranquility
d) Provide for the common defense

Constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws is —
a) the Bill of Rights
b) voting rights
c) due process
d) freedom of religion

Which amendments are associated with due process?
a) 5th and 19th
b) 1st and 8th
c) 1st and 14th
d) 5th and 14th

Which amendment protects the rights of individuals to make their views known to public officials?
a) Tenth
b) Fifth
c) First
d) Fourteenth

Which of the following is a quality of a good citizen?
a) Attends the same church as their neighbor.
b) Works hard to better their community.
c) Makes more money than their parents
d) Tries to convince others to act or think a certain way.

Being independent or taking care of ones self means:
a) Responsibility
b) Respect
c) Accountability
d) Self-Reliance

Which amendment protects us from unfair actions by state governments?
a) 5th Amendment
b) 1st Amendment
c) 14th Amendment
d) 21st Amendment

Which First Amendment freedom allows you to express your opinions and beliefs in through speaking, clothing, etc.?
a) Press
b) Speech
c) Assembly
d) Petition

Within the First Amendment, you can find how many freedoms?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5
d) 3

Which Amendment grants the 5 basic rights/freedoms such as freedom of speech?
a) 2nd Amendment
b) 14th Amendment
c) 1st Amendment
d) 5th Amendment

Which of the following is NOT a way to contribute to the common good?
a) Serving in voluntary government positions
b) Participating in political campaigns
c) Registering to vote
d) Ignoring current events

Which of the following is NOT an example of community service?
a) Participating in Clean the Bay Day
b) Assisting in voter registration drives
c) Volunteering with Habitat for Humanity
d) Visiting an elderly aunt at the nursing home

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