10 Reconstruction Question Preview (ID: 60175)

10 Reconstruction. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

outlawed slavery
a) 13 amendment
b) 14 amendment
c) 15 amendment
d) 16 amendment

Defined black citizenship
a) 13 amendment
b) 14 amendment
c) 15 amendment
d) 16 amendment

African Americans suffrage
a) 13 amendment
b) 14 amendment
c) 15 amendment
d) 16 amendment

impeach means to....
a) remove an official from office
b) bring charges against an official
c) gather peaches
d) assist former slaves

Group that assisted former slaves adjust to life after slavery
a) carpetbaggers
b) scalawags
c) tenant farmers
d) Freedman's Bureau

people who pay rent for farm land
a) sharecroppers
b) tenant farmers
c) scalawags
d) KKK

people who used a portion of their crops to pay rent
a) tenant farmers
b) carpet baggers
c) sharecroppers
d) scalawags

Republicans living in the South during Reconstruction
a) scalawags
b) carpet baggers
c) sharecroppers
d) tenant farmers

Northerner who moved to the South during Reconstruction to take advantage of the economic opportunities
a) scalawag
b) carpetbagger
c) tenant farmer
d) sharecropper

This ended Reconstruction
a) impeachment of Andrew Johnson
b) The formation of the KKK
c) Compromise of 1877
d) The formation of the Freedman's Bureau

Terrorist group who formed to restrict the rights of African Americans
a) Freedmans bureau
b) scalawags
c) carpetbaggers
d) kkk

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