Quiz 7: I Like To Move It, Move It Question Preview (ID: 60173)

Mob/mot, Tract, Tend/tens/tent. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

a) mob/mot
b) tract
c) tend/tens/tent

stretch, give
a) mob/mot
b) tract
c) tend/tens/tent

pull, draw
a) mob/mot
b) tract
c) tend/tens/tent

to cause something, such as your arm or leg, to straighten out or to stretch out
a) extend
b) detract
c) contract
d) tension

to reduce the strength, value, or importance of something
a) contract
b) mobile
c) detract
d) contentious

a large vehicle used to pull farm equipment
a) mobile
b) tractor
c) detract
d) tension

the condition of being eager to act or work
a) attention
b) motive
c) detract
d) motivation

able to move from one place to another
a) motive
b) detract
c) mobile
d) tension

likely to cause people to argue or disagree
a) contentious
b) motive
c) tension
d) detract

to make something smaller or shorter, to become smaller
a) extend
b) contract
c) motivation
d) detract

the amount that something is stretched; an uneasy feeling that makes it difficult to relax
a) extend
b) attention
c) tension
d) motive

the act or power of carefully thinking about, listening to, or watching someone or something
a) attention
b) contentious
c) extend
d) tractor

a reason for doing something
a) tension
b) mobile
c) detract
d) motive

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