Grammar: Complex Sentences Question Preview (ID: 60170)

Choose The Best Conjunction To Combine Each Pair Of Sentences. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Pluto was discovered ____________________ scientists discovered other planets.
a) where
b) as soon as
c) before
d) after

Sunlight travels 93 million miles ___________________ it reaches Earth.
a) after
b) before
c) as soon as
d) where

I want to be an astronaut __________________ astronauts explore outer space.
a) because
b) as soon as
c) unless
d) after

I would not move to the moon ________ it is a beautiful place.
a) if
b) after
c) as though
d) although

He jumped high off the ground _________ his body were weightless.
a) how
b) before
c) as if
d) until

You need to wear a space suit __________ the temperatures are extreme.
a) although
b) because
c) after
d) why

A month will pass ________ we see a full moon again.
a) before
b) unless
c) as
d) as soon as

It was the year 1969 _________ the first person walked on the moon.
a) until
b) as if
c) when
d) since

Bring a spacesuit ___________ you visit the moon.
a) although
b) as if
c) if
d) why

We can't live on Pluto. It is too cold.
a) where
b) because
c) unless
d) as though

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