Atoms Question Preview (ID: 60089)

Subatomic Particles Characteristics And Locations. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which two subatomic particles make up the mass of an atom?
a) protons and neutrons
b) protons and electrons
c) electrons and neutrons
d) electrons and electrons

Which subatomic particle is located inside the nucleus with a positive charge(+)?
a) electrons
b) neutrons
c) protons
d) electron cloud

Which subatomic particle is not located in the nucleus of an atom?
a) Neutron
b) Proton
c) electron
d) 1

Which subatomic particle has a negative (-) charge?
a) electron
b) proton
c) nothing
d) neutral

What do you call area surround the middle of an atom?
a) Nucleus
b) proton
c) electron
d) electron cloud

What is the overall charge of the nucleus of an atom?
a) Postive (+)
b) Negative (-)
c) Neurtral (0)
d) Positive and negative

How many protons does and element with an atomic number of 10 have?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 10
d) 3

How many neutrons does an element have that has a mass of 8 and an atomic number of 4?
a) 8
b) 12
c) 10
d) 4

What is the atomic number of an atom that has 48 protons?
a) 24
b) 96
c) 48
d) 49

What does APE stand for?
a) Atomic number=protons=neutrons
b) Atomic number = protons = electrons
c) Atomic number = neutrons = electrons
d) Atomic number = protons = evening

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