Govt.- Chapter 3, Section 1 And 2 Question Preview (ID: 60053)

Constitution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This section of the Constitution states why it was written:
a) Amendments
b) Bill of Rights
c) Preamable
d) Articles

The Constitution is based on the concept of:
a) Expressed powers
b) Judicial Activism
c) Popular Sovereignty
d) Jurisdiction

The Number of representatives each state has in the United States House of Representatives is based on what?
a) The president
b) Legislative branch
c) Judicial branch
d) Population

Articles I, II, and III deal with the three branches of the government in what order:
a) Legislative, judicial, executive
b) Constitutional, judicial, executive
c) Executive, constitutional, legislative
d) Legislative, executive, judicial

The Necessary and Proper Clause states that:
a) The judicial branch has all of the authority to interpret the Constitution the way that they see it
b) The legislative branch has the power to make laws that are needed in order to carry out their duties
c) The president can pretty much do whatever he wants
d) The federal government is necessary and proper

Popular sovereignty is:
a) The belief that the power of government should come from the people
b) The belief that the law should apply to all people in a society the same way
c) The belief that power should be shared, and not held by only one person or a group
d) The belief that the wealthy should rule with popular support

Rule of law means:
a) Laws are made to keep the common person down
b) The belief that the law should apply to all people in a society the same way
c) The belief that the power of government should come from the people
d) The belief that the federal law is supreme over state law in all cases

In order to keep one branch of government from becoming too powerful, the Founding Fathers believed that it was important to install what principle:
a) Spying and privacy
b) Perjury testimonials
c) Checks balances
d) Constitutional monarchy and overviews by the U.S. Senate

Federalism is:
a) Sharing of power between the President and his cabinet members
b) Sharing of power only by the federal government among its departments
c) Sharing of power between state and national governments, as well as between the three branches of government
d) Sharing of power between schools and federal government

The U.S. Constitution was ratified in what year?
a) 1755
b) 1808
c) 1776
d) 1788

Federal courts do NOT have jurisdiction over cases involving:
a) Treaties with foreign nations
b) U.S. laws
c) Divorce
d) Bankruptcy

Who elects the U.S. President of the United States?
a) The majority of the citizens who cast votes
b) State legislatures
c) Majority of House of Representatives and Senators
d) Electoral College

Article IV of the Constitution says that states must do what?
a) Obey and respect the laws of other states
b) State laws must be supreme over federal law
c) Must approve all judicial appointments
d) Must protect all citizens equally

Article VI says that federal law is:
a) Contingent on states following it
b) Based on the will of the people
c) Supreme
d) Exaggerated

What does it mean to impeach someone? Who brings impeachment charges? Who holds the trial?
a) Formally charge someone in political office; Senate brings charges; House holds trial
b) Formally charge someone in political office; President brings charges; Senate holds trial
c) Formally charge someone in political office; Senate brings charges; Supreme Court holds the trial
d) Formally charge someone in political office; House brings charges; Senate holds trial

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