U.S. History - Unit 2 (SSUSH4a) Question Preview (ID: 59976)

The Declaration Of Independence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The Declaration of Independence was adopted by:
a) the Second Continental Congress
b) the First Continental Congress
c) the Stamp Act Congress
d) the Sons of Liberty

On July 4, 1776:
a) the Declaration of Independence was signed
b) the Declaration of Independence was finished by the Committee of Five
c) the American Revolution began
d) Thomas Jefferson began writing the Declaration of Independence

The Committee of Five was a group that:
a) drafted the Declaration of Independence
b) refused to sign the Declaration of Independence
c) supported the British
d) ####

The main author of the Declaration of Independence was:
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) James Madison
c) George Washington
d) Button Gwinnett

After seeing a draft of the Declaration of Independence, the Continental Congress:
a) made many changes... especially regarding slavery
b) immediately adopted the document
c) fired the members of the Committee of Five
d) ####

Many ideas in the Declaration of Independence were based on the British philosopher:
a) John Locke
b) G.E. Moore
c) Bertrand Russell
d) Francis Bacon

People who have natural rights have the abilities to:
a) choose their own form of government and give it power
b) select their own religious beliefs
c) form alliances with foreign nations
d) ####

The Continental Congress believed that King George III's actions had:
a) violated their social contract
b) established natural rights
c) worked for the benefits of the colonists
d) been justified

Which section of the Declaration of Independence gives the ideological reasons for independence?
a) the Preamble
b) the Grievances
c) the Declaration
d) ####

Which section of the Declaration of Independence lists the problems associated with King George III?
a) the Grievances
b) the Preamble
c) the Declaration
d) ####

Which section of the Declaration of Independence describes previous attempts at peace?
a) the Declaration
b) the Preamble
c) the Grievances
d) ####

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