Grade 2 Vocabulary Unit 1 Week 3 Question Preview (ID: 59968)

Grade 2 Vocabulary Unit 1 Week 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the definition of arranged?
a) to put things in order
b) a group of people who are similar
c) guess what will happen in the future
d) to move slowly from side to side

What is the definition of community?
a) to move slowly from side to side
b) a group of people who are similar
c) to put things in order
d) must be done

What is the definition of predict?
a) to put things in order
b) a group of people who are similar
c) guess what will happen in the future
d) must be done

What is the definition of sway?
a) guess what will happen in the future
b) to put things in order
c) a group of people who are similar
d) to move slowly from side to side

What is the definition of necessary?
a) must be done
b) to put things in order
c) to move slowly from side to side
d) guess what will happen in the future

What are synonyms for arranged?
a) organized, sorted
b) neighborhood, people, society
c) forecast, guess
d) swing, shake

What are synonyms for community?
a) organized, sorted
b) forecast, guess
c) neighborhood, people, society
d) needed, required

What are synonyms for predict?
a) needed, required
b) swing, shake
c) organized, sorted
d) forecast, guess

What are synonyms for sway?
a) forecast, guess
b) swing, shake
c) needed, required
d) neighborhood, people, society

What are synonyms for necessary?
a) swing, shake
b) neighborhood, people, society
c) organized, sorted
d) needed, required

What are antonyms for arranged?
a) disorganized, jumble, mix up
b) measure, calculate
c) stay, remain
d) useless, unimportant

What are antonyms for community?
a) disorganized, jumble, mix up
b) There is not a perfect antonym for this word.
c) measure, calculate
d) stay, remain

What are antonyms for predict?
a) There is not a perfect antonym for this word.
b) measure, calculate
c) useless, unimportant
d) stay, remain

What are antonyms for sway?
a) stay, remain
b) useless, unimportant
c) disorganize, jumble, mix up
d) There is not a perfect antonym for this word.

What are antonyms for necessary?
a) stay, remain
b) measure, calculate
c) disorganize, jumble, mix up
d) useless, unimportant

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