August 2022 Living Environment Regents Questions 11-20 Question Preview (ID: 59963)

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The process that led to the insect resistance can best be explained by
a) ecological succession
b) selective breeding
c) asexual reproduction
d) natural selection

Killer whales are an endangered species. The decline in the whales’ numbers has been linked to poor nutrition, resulting in the inability to maintain a pregnancy. This risk to developing whale embryos is most likely a result of
a) an environmental factor not associated with the embryo’s genes
b) an infection caused by the embryo’s exposure to a pathogen
c) faults in the genes of the embryo itself
d) toxins that are introduced into the mother from the embryo’s blood

A biotechnology tool, known as CRISPR-Cas9, allows scientists to precisely edit genes. In order to edit genes, CRISPR-Cas9 must be able to
a) alter the base sequence of DNA
b) prevent cells from differentiating
c) block cell receptors from receiving signals
d) change the rate at which a cell uses ATP

By measuring the colors of light refl ected by different tree species in a forest, scientists can determine the amount of biodiversity present in different areas. Maintaining biodiversity is important because it
a) reduces the carrying capacity of a forest ecosystem
b) guarantees that all species within a forest ecosystem will survive
c) increases the number of predators that control the population size of prey
d) ensures the availability of a variety of genetic material

These cells are most similar in the

a) amount of energy they release
b) type of proteins they synthesize
c) rate of their metabolism
d) information stored in their DNA

When compared to using pesticides, this method to control ticks would
a) cause more environmental pollution
b) lead to a decrease in the deer population
c) be less likely to harm the environment
d) result in an increase in the tick population

The type of organism represented by box X could be

a) algae
b) fungi
c) small fish
d) sea birds

Which sequence best represents the correct order of events in the formation of a sexually reproduced individual?
a) embryo → zygote → gamete → fetus
b) zygote → embryo → fetus → gamete
c) gametes → embryo → fetus → zygote
d) gametes → zygote → embryo → fetus

Direct harvesting occurs when
a) pine trees are cut from a forest for use as lumber
b) corn is planted in a newly plowed fi eld
c) zebra mussels are accidentally imported to the Great Lakes
d) roots of plants continually take in water

A negative outcome of this practice is that

a) the corn will interbreed with weeds in the area
b) new predators will be introduced into the ecosystem
c) the stability of the ecosystem will be reduced
d) new species of insect-resistant corn will evolve

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