August 2022 Earth Science Regents Questions 11-20 Question Preview (ID: 59958)

Use Your Knowledge Of Earth Science To Answer All Questions In The Data Set. You Will Need Your Earth Science Reference Tables And A Calculator To Answer Some Of The Questions. Good Luck. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

In winter, the polar front jet stream has a more southerly path with winds traveling at speeds that are generally

a) less than in summer, and Earth’s Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the Sun
b) less than in summer, and Earth’s Northern Hemisphere tilts toward the Sun
c) greater than in summer, and Earth’s Northern Hemisphere tilts away from the Sun
d) greater than in summer, and Earth’s Northern Hemisphere tilts toward the Sun

Equal areas of which surface will typically absorb the greatest amount of insolation?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

What is the name of the star in the center of the photograph that did not leave a star trail?

a) Betelgeuse
b) Polaris
c) the Sun
d) Sirius

Outgassing of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen initially formed Earth’s early
a) lithosphere
b) hydrosphere
c) asthenosphere
d) atmosphere

Which type of electromagnetic radiation listed below has the longest wavelength?
a) infrared
b) ultraviolet
c) red visible light
d) violet visible light

When major volcanic eruptions send large amounts of ash and dust into the atmosphere, worldwide air temperatures usually become
a) warmer, because the atmosphere is less transparent
b) warmer, because the atmosphere is more transparent
c) cooler, because the atmosphere is less transparent
d) cooler, because the atmosphere is more transparent

From September 1 to June 1, the number of daylight hours observed each day in New York State will
a) decrease, only
b) increase, only
c) decrease, then increase
d) increase, then decrease

Which map best shows the inferred positions of Earth’s landmasses between the Alleghenian orogeny and the initial opening of the Atlantic Ocean?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

In the past, cyanobacteria produced oceanic oxygen that combined with iron in seawater to form iron oxide layers on ocean fl oors. These iron oxide layers were formed during the
a) Early Archean
b) Early Carboniferous
c) Late Archean
d) Late Carboniferious

Which group of organisms are found only as fossils today?
a) vascular plants
b) nautiloids
c) brachiopods
d) placoderm fish

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