Animal Behavior Lesson 4 Question Preview (ID: 59943)

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Nocturnal animals that have a poorly developed sense of smell are most likely to communicate by ____.
a) Auditory cues
b) Visual cues
c) Chemical cues
d) Tactile cues

What are changes in temperature, duration of daylight, and the presence of a predator all examples of?
a) stimuli
b) responses
c) instincts
d) reflexes

Aggressive behavior in animals often leads to social ranking. What do social rankings form?
a) Dominance hierarchy
b) Circadian Rhythm
c) Territory
d) Courtship

Mother tigers nuzzle their babies. What type of communication is this displaying?
a) Tactile
b) Visual
c) Auditory
d) Chemical

Coyotes, wolves, and the family dog always use urine to identify their territories. What type of communication is this displaying?
a) Chemical
b) Visual
c) Auditory
d) Tactile

Male American alligators use a combination of sounds and displays to get the attention of females when they want to mate. What type of communication is this displaying?
a) Auditory
b) Visual
c) Chemical
d) Tactile

Sea otters often rub their faces together and touch noses. What type of communication is this displaying?
a) Tactile
b) Visual
c) Auditory
d) Chemical

Bees use a system of body movements called a waggle dance to tell other colony members where the best sources of nectar are. What type of communication is this displaying?
a) Visual
b) Auditory
c) Chemical
d) Tactile

Which of the following is TRUE about animals that display mimicry?
a) They watch other species closely and decide to copy them.
b) They are always closely related to the animal they mimic.
c) They are the same species as the animal they mimic.
d) They have evolved to share features with another species through many generations of natural selection.

Which of the following describes another name for camouflage?
a) crypsis
b) mimicry
c) alarm calls
d) taxis

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