6th Grade Ch 1 Question Preview (ID: 59940)

Plate Tectonics. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The idea that the continents slowly moved over Earth's surface
a) continental drift
b) sea-floor spreading
c) plate tectonics
d) subduction

The supercontinent that all current continents were once a part of
a) Pangaea
b) Panthalassa
c) Allworldia
d) Eurasia

Any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock
a) fossil
b) mineral
c) crystal
d) artifact

Mountain ranges that run along the middle of some ocean floors
a) mid-ocean ridges
b) deep-ocean trenches
c) sea-floor spread
d) big old mountains

The process by which mid-ocean ridges continually add new material to the ocean floor
a) sea-floor spreading
b) subduction
c) converging
d) continental drift

Deep underwater canyons where the oceanic crust bends downward
a) deep-ocean trenches
b) mid-ocean ridges
c) sublimation
d) rift valley

Pieces of the Earth's crust
a) plates
b) fossils
c) faults
d) trenches

A boundary where the plates move apart
a) divergent
b) convergent
c) transform

A boundary where plates come together
a) convergent
b) divergent
c) transform

A boundary where plates slip past each other
a) transform
b) divergent
c) convergent

The theory that states that Earth's plates are in slow, constant motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle
a) plate tectonics
b) sea-floor spreading
c) continental drifting
d) plate traffic jam

A deep valley formed when pieces of Earth's crust diverge on land
a) rift valley
b) deep-ocean trench
c) ditch
d) canyon

Breaks in the Earth's crust where rocks have slipped past each other
a) fault
b) fossil
c) crack
d) oops

The process by which the ocean floor sinks beneath a deep-ocean trench and back into the mantle again
a) subduction
b) sublimation
c) subterranean
d) subway, eat fresh

The oldes crust is located
a) far away from the mid-ocean ridge
b) closest to the mid-ocean ridge
c) in the middle of the sea floor
d) mixed with the youngest crust

Africa and South America look like they fit together.
a) True
b) False

Oceans with many trenches shrink.
a) True
b) False

The plates ride along
a) convection currents
b) conveyer belts
c) subduction currents
d) ocean currents

Which crust will sink?
a) the densest crust
b) the least dense crust
c) no crust sinks, they both come up

Fossils of Glossopteris are found on several continents.
a) true
b) false

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