Tectonic Plates, Pangea Earths Layers Question Preview (ID: 59924)

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The Inner Core is made mostly of
a) hot
b) hot liquid
c) solid metal
d) hot liquid and metal

What part of the Earth is number 3?

a) Mantle
b) Inner Core
c) Outer Core
d) Crust

The thickest layer of the Earth is the
a) Core
b) Mantle
c) Inner core
d) Outer core

There are __________________ major and __________minor lithospheric plates.
a) six, many
b) seven, several
c) several, five

When one plate crosses over another plate, it is called
a) deduction
b) subduction
c) reduction

What occurs at Divergent boundaries?
a) valleys
b) mountains
c) earthquakes
d) volcanoes

What occurs at Transform boundaries?
a) valleys
b) earthquakes
c) mountains
d) volcanoes

What occurs at Convergent boundaries?
a) volcanoes
b) earthquakes
c) valleys
d) mountains

What do plates do at a transform boundary?
a) Plates slide past each other
b) Plates collide into each other
c) Plates move away from each other

What do plates do at a divergent boundary?
a) Plates slide past each other
b) Plates collide into each other
c) Plates move away from each other

What do plates do at a convergent boundary?
a) Plates slide past each other
b) Plates collide into each other
c) Plates move away from each other

The San Andreas Fault is an example of a _____________ boundary.
a) transform
b) convergent
c) divergent

The Swiss Alps are an example of a _______________ boundary.

a) transform
b) convergent
c) divergent

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