Latin And Greek Word Parts Page 1 Practice 2 Chondr-mal Question Preview (ID: 59913)

Latin And Greek Word Part List Of Prefixes, Suffixes, And Roots. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the meaning of: chondr
a) cartilage
b) kill
c) cell
d) skin

What is the meaning of: cide
a) heal
b) kill
c) help
d) difficult

What is the meaning of: clast
a) together, with
b) against, resisting
c) break, destroy
d) bad, painful

What is the meaning of: cut
a) skin
b) heart
c) cartilage
d) cell

What is the meaning of: derm
a) away
b) cell
c) skin
d) through

What is the meaning of: cyte
a) toward
b) heart
c) skin
d) cell

What is the meaning of: dys
a) bad, painful, difficult
b) through, across, separate
c) upon, over, above
d) back, again, past

What is the meaning of: Mal
a) back, again, past
b) upon, over, above
c) through, across, separate
d) difficult, bad, painful

What is the meaning of: dia
a) upon, over, above
b) back, against, past
c) across, separate, through
d) painful, difficult, bad

What is the meaning of: per
a) separate, across, through
b) upon, over, above
c) back, against, past
d) difficult, bad, painful

What is the meaning of: trans
a) upon, over, above
b) back, against, past
c) bad, difficult, painful,
d) across, through, separate

What is the meaning of: co
a) together, with
b) without, not
c) break, destroy
d) against, resisting

What is the meaning of: con
a) inside, within
b) with, together
c) to view, see
d) lungs, air

What is the meaning of: sym
a) within, inside
b) not, without
c) together, with
d) destroy, break

What is the meaning of: syn
a) with, together
b) lungs, air
c) painful, difficult
d) kill, hurt

What is the meaning of: sys
a) above, over
b) through, across
c) with, together
d) against, past

What is the meaning of: tri
a) three, third
b) one, once
c) two, twice
d) four, fourth

What is the meaning of: tert
a) one, once
b) two, twice
c) three, third
d) four, fourth

What is the meaning of: therm
a) heat
b) layer
c) bone
d) salt

What is the meaning of: Strat
a) little, few
b) to view, see
c) against, past
d) above, over

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