Main Idea Question Preview (ID: 59908)

Determining The Main Idea Of A Passage. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What two questions should you ask to determine the main idea?
a) What is the passage mainly about? What am I supposed to know about it?
b) What is the topic sentence? What is the first idea in the passage?
c) What is the passage mainly about? What information helps me know this?
d) What is the passage mostly about? What piece of evidence tells me this?

Where can I look to find the main idea?
a) The first sentence of the paragraph.
b) The last sentence of the paragraph.
c) The middle of the paragraph.
d) All of the answers are correct.

Should I read the title of the text?
a) No, I'm wasting time I need to read the text.
b) Yes, it tells me what the passage is about.
c) No, it may tell me what the passage is about but it will not have the main idea.
d) Yes, there will be a question that can only be answered by reading the title.

Native people in early North America liked to play games. Their favorite games were played with a stick and a ball, like lacrosse. In lacrosse the rule is that you can't touch the ball with your hands. You catch the ball in a net on the stick.
a) Their favorite games were played with a stick and a ball, like lacrosse.
b) Native people in early North America liked to play games.
c) You catch the ball in a net on the end of a stick and use the stick to throw the ball.
d) In lacrosse the rule is that you can't touch the ball with your hands.

Not all plants grow in the same way. Some plants grow and reproduce in one year and are called annuals. Some plants grow and reproduce in two years and are called biennials. Other plants grow and reproduce for many years and are called perennials.
a) Other plants grow and reproduce for many years and are called perennials.
b) Some plants grow and reproduce in two years and are called biennials.
c) Not all plants grow in the same way.
d) Some plants grow and reproduce in one year and are called annuals.

Teeth can tell you what kinds of food a mammal eats. Plant eaters have large, flat molars for grinding plants. Animals that eat both plants and meat have strong canines and molars for tearing foods. Meat eaters have teeth for cutting and tearing.
a) Animals that are meat eaters (carnivores) have canine teeth for cutting and tearing.
b) Plant eaters (herbivores) like deer have large, flat molars for grinding plants.
c) Animals that eat both plants and meat (omnivores) have strong canines and molars for tearing and grinding foods.
d) Teeth can tell you what kinds of food a mammal eats.

Plants like milkweed have strong chemicals that can make animals sick. Poison Ivy has oils in its leaves that will give animals an itchy rash. Blackberries have sharp thorns all over the plant. Plants have defenses against being eaten.
a) Blackberries have sharp thorns all over the plant.
b) Poison ivy has oils in its leaves that will give animals an itchy rash.
c) Plants have defenses against being eaten.
d) Plants like hemlock have strong chemicals that can make animals sick.

Yellowjackets are a normal part of summer. Their numbers increase all summer, making them a nuisance by late summer. Colonies can reach several thousand individuals. Picnic areas are attractive to them, and Yellowjackets will visit them all summer.
a) Their numbers increase all summer, making them a nuisance by late summer.
b) Colonies can reach several thousand individuals.
c) Picnic areas are especially attractive to them, and Yellowjackets will visit these areas regularly.
d) Yellowjackets, a kind of wasp, are a normal part of summer.

Alex scored 8 points for his baseball team. He struck out 5 players. He hit 2 home runs and drove in 6 more runs. Alex was declared Most Valuable Player of the game.
a) He hit 2 home runs and drove in 6 more runs.
b) Alex was declared Most Valuable Player of the game.
c) Alex scored 8 points for his baseball team.
d) He struck out 5 players.

Dogs are often called man's best friend, but they also help humans in many ways. Some dogs hunt or retrieve. Some dogs guide the blind. Others guard animals and property.
a) Others guard animals and property.
b) Some dogs guide the blind.
c) Some dogs hunt or retrieve.
d) Dogs are often called man's best friend, but they also help humans in many ways.

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