2017 Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test Questions 11-20 Question Preview (ID: 59906)

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The numbers in the drawing represent the number of

a) genes
b) cells
c) chromosomes
d) DNA

Abnormal cell division causes which health problem?
a) infection
b) cancer
c) aging
d) weight gain

Organisms are classified as producers or consumers according to the way they
a) obtain energy
b) release wastes
c) produce offspring
d) move from place to place

Which statement best describes the relationship between the mushrooms and the log?

a) The log uses the mushrooms as a source of oxygen.
b) The log uses the mushrooms as a food source.
c) The mushrooms use the log as a source of oxygen.
d) The mushrooms use the log as a food source.

Which process is responsible for this type of adaptation over time?

a) natural selection
b) genetic engineering
c) metamorphosis
d) dynamic equilibrium

Which adaptation protected the dark-colored moths from predators?

a) breeding
b) camouflage
c) migration
d) hibernation

What causes infectious diseases in the human population?
a) allergic reactions
b) poor dietary habits
c) toxic chemicals
d) microorganisms

A Calorie is a unit used to measure
a) energy
b) vitamins
c) density
d) mass

A community is composed of
a) organisms of the same species in an area
b) an organism’s food supply in an area
c) all of the different organisms living in an area
d) the living and nonliving components in an area

The African savanna is a large grassland region with few trees that is hot and seasonally dry. A population of lions and a population of wild dogs living there are most likely to compete with each other for
a) mates
b) water
c) air
d) sunlight

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