2017 Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test Questions 1-10 Question Preview (ID: 59905)

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Which cell structure is found in plant cells, but not in animal cells?
a) cell wall
b) cell membrane
c) nucleus
d) cytoplasm

Amebas are single-celled organisms that need to obtain food in order to
a) release oxygen into the air
b) protect themselves from other living things
c) get the energy they need to carry out life functions
d) remove harmful chemicals from the environment

What do the rabbit, fungus, and tree have in common?

a) They are all producers.
b) They are all omnivores.
c) They all belong to the same kingdom.
d) They are all multicellular organisms.

Which term identifi es a group of cells of the same type working together to perform a common function?
a) microbe
b) gene
c) tissue
d) hormone

Which human digestive process is most similar to this activity?

a) mechanical digestion
b) chemical digestion
c) solid waste elimination
d) liquid waste elimination

What is the main function of the labeled structure(s) in each organism?

a) circulation of blood
b) digestion of food
c) production of hormones
d) exchange of gases

One function of the human excretory system is
a) making materials that the body cells need
b) removing excess heat energy from the body
c) moving substances to and from body cells
d) controlling the body’s responses to stimuli

Which term is used to describe the sum of all the chemical processes in the human body?
a) equilibrium
b) inheritance
c) metamorphosis
d) metabolism

Why is an organism that reproduces asexually genetically identical to its parent?
a) All of the offspring’s genes came from the parent.
b) All of the offspring’s genes mutated to look like the parent’s genes.
c) The offspring inherited only half of the parent’s genes.
d) The offspring inherited only the parent’s dominant genes.

Which process is best represented by this sequence of diagrams?

a) selective breeding
b) ecological succession
c) habitat destruction
d) feeding relationships

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