2021 (v202) Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test Questions 21-30 Question Preview (ID: 59890)

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Based on the data table, the next year when Halley’s Comet will most likely be visible to an observer on Earth would be

a) 2022
b) 2043
c) 2061
d) 2136

The reason that Halley’s Comet can be seen during specific years is that

a) the orbit of Halley’s Comet is a perfect circle
b) the orbit of Halley’s Comet is controlled by Earth’s gravity
c) Halley’s Comet orbits Earth in a cyclic and predictable pattern
d) Halley’s Comet orbits the Sun in a cyclic and predictable pattern

The Moon completes the cycle of phases from one Full Moon to the next Full Moon in approximately one
a) day
b) week
c) month
d) year

The shape of Earth is best described as

a) perfectly spherical because the equatorial diameter is the same as the polar diameter
b) perfectly spherical because the equatorial diameter is slightly larger than the polar diameter
c) nearly spherical because the equatorial diameter is the same as the polar diameter
d) nearly spherical because the equatorial diameter is slightly larger than the polar diameter

Snowfl akes are seen melting as they fall through the air. This melting occurs because the snowflakes
a) lose heat and the surrounding air loses heat
b) lose heat and the surrounding air gains heat
c) gain heat and the surrounding air gains heat
d) gain heat and the surrounding air loses heat

Which letter represents the outer core?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

The freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which the substance changes from
a) gas to liquid
b) gas to solid
c) liquid to gas
d) liquid to solid

Which item is too small to be seen with a compound microscope?
a) an atom of iron
b) a grain of salt
c) an onion cell
d) a human hair

Which property can be used to help identify many minerals?
a) size
b) streak
c) temperature
d) solubility

Earthquakes that occur on the ocean fl oor may produce tsunamis, which are large ocean waves that can fl ood coastal locations. Which location is most likely in the greatest danger from a tsunami?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

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