2022 Grade 8 Intermediate-Level Science Test Questions 11-20 Question Preview (ID: 59886)

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Which process is represented by the diagram below?

a) photosynthesis
b) metamorphosis
c) digestion
d) succession

Which group of organisms may undergo an evolutionary change in the shortest period of time?
a) birds
b) bacteria
c) human beings
d) flowering plants

In a pond, algae (plant-like organisms) absorb sunlight and the fish in the pond eat tadpoles. These are both examples of how pond organisms
a) get their energy
b) escape their predators
c) remove waste products
d) produce new offspring

In order to perform photosynthesis, a leaf must absorb sunlight and take in
a) carbon dioxide
b) nitrogen
c) oxygen
d) methane

In which part of a leaf cell does photosynthesis take place?
a) chloroplast
b) nucleus
c) cell membrane
d) cell wall

Two different species of animals live in the same area of a park and eat the same food to survive. Which term describes the relationship between these two species of animals?
a) regulation
b) conservation
c) succession
d) competition

Some species of plants may replace others over time, resulting in a long-term gradual change in an area. This long-term process is referred to as
a) ecological succession
b) climate change
c) environmental degradation
d) ozone depletion

Global warming will most likely cause a change in
a) Earth’s revolution
b) Earth’s rotation
c) ocean water levels
d) ocean tide times

About how long does it take the Moon to revolve once around Earth?
a) a day
b) a week
c) a month
d) a year

Which kind of rock is most likely to contain fossils?
a) igneous
b) sedimentary
c) metamorphic
d) volcanic

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