AP Lit Exam Overview Question Preview (ID: 59885)

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How many multiple-choice questions will be on the exam?
a) 55
b) 60
c) 45
d) 40

How many minutes should you spend on each free-response question?
a) 40
b) 55
c) 60
d) 45

Which of the following is not a type of free-response question on the AP Lit exam?
a) Poetry Analysis
b) Prose Fiction Analysis
c) Literary Argument
d) Informative

Which of the following is NOT one of the six big ideas?
a) character
b) setting
c) structure
d) grammar

The exam includes a higher number of texts from...
a) 20th century
b) contemporary texts
c) both of these
d) none of these

Which skill category has the most exam weight?
a) Explain the function of character
b) Explain the function of plot and structure
c) Explain the function of the narrator or speaker
d) Explain the function of setting

The poetry analysis free-response question will have approximately ___ to ___ words.
a) 100-300
b) 300-500
c) 200-400
d) 500-700

The prose fiction analysis free-response question will have approximately ___ to ___ words.
a) 500-700
b) 100-300
c) 200-400
d) 300-500

The literary argument free-response question will provide students with a list of approximately __ literary works.
a) 40
b) 20
c) 30
d) 10

Which task verb means to examine methodically and in detail the structure of the topic of the question for purposes of interpretation and explanation?
a) analyze
b) choose
c) read
d) none of these

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