Animal Behavior Lesson 3 Question Preview (ID: 59867)

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Many animals have developed special adaptations that let them change their coloration as their surroundings change. Which of these is a *natural* occurrence which would lead to this type of change?
a) deforestation
b) earthquake
c) the changing of the seasons
d) urbanization

Which of the following describes an animal's ability to blend in with its environment?
a) Mimicry
b) Camouflage
c) Optimal foraging
d) Kinesis

Predators that sneak up on their prey are called _______.
a) Autotrophs
b) Heterotrophs
c) Optimal Foragers
d) Ambush Predators

Which describes the idea that an animal will try to minimize the risks and maximize the benefits when searching for food?
a) Optimal foraging theory
b) Optimal kinesis
c) Optimal taxis theory
d) Optimal ambush predator theory

Which of the following is an example of optimal foraging theory?
a) Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed so the babies have a primary food source when they're born
b) Crows in British Columbia dig up many clams on the beaches, but only spend the time opening the largest
c) Crocodiles spend hours sitting still to stalk their prey.
d) Assassin bugs can use a spider's web against it by luring it over and then ambushing it.

Which term best describes the process of looking for an obtaining food?
a) foraging
b) photosynthesis
c) ambush predator
d) autotroph

Which of the following is an example of an organism that is born on its primary food source?
a) tomato hornworm
b) cougar
c) Madagascar hissing cockroach
d) tree frog

Which of the following describes an organism that obtains its food from plants or other animals?
a) heterotroph
b) autotroph
c) producer
d) crepuscular

Which of the following describes an ambush predator?
a) Bobbit worms bury themselves in ocean mud and use their bristles to detect animals nearby. Once alerted, they attack!
b) Crows in British Columbia dig up many clams on the beaches, but only spend the time opening the largest.
c) Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed so the babies have a primary food source when they're born
d) Deer will choose to feed in an area with less food if it has less of a chance of encountering a predator.

Which type of movement is random (non-direction) in response to a stimulus?
a) Kinesis
b) Phototaxis
c) Sessile
d) Crepuscular

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