Elements Of Cornell Notes Question Preview (ID: 59866)
How, What, And Why To Take Cornell Notes.
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What is an advantage to taking Cornell Notes?
a) Mastering Information
b) It is Efficent
c) Each step prepares for the learning process
d) All the Above
What does the C in Cornell mean?
a) Cite
b) Create
c) Copy
d) College
How can I use my Cornell Notes?
a) Review and Study
b) Throw them away
c) Use is for a paper airplane
d) Leave them in my binder
What does the O in Cornell mean?
a) Orange
b) Opinion
c) Odie
d) Organize
What are Millennials demand fast-food restaurants serve?
a) Milk Shakes
b) Healthy Choice
c) Grease
d) Lobster
Why do people most likely eat fast food?
a) Cheaper
b) Healthier
c) Gross
d) Low in Calories
What ingredient is McDonald's taking out of their burger buns?
a) flour
b) water
c) high-fructose corn syrup
d) eggs
Too many calories can make people?
a) Angry
b) Overweight
c) Happy
d) Healthy
What other fast-food restaurant is offering healthier options?
a) Buger King
b) Wendys
c) Taco Bell
d) Chic Fil A
What is it called if you are extremely overweight?
a) Paper Thin
b) Skinny
c) A model
d) Obesity
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