8.MS-ESS2-1 Question Preview (ID: 59848)

8.MS-ESS2-1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which of the following is NOT a type of rock?
a) carbonous
b) igneous
c) metamorphic
d) sedimentary

Which type of rock is formed by heat and pressure?
a) carbonous
b) metamorphic
c) sedimentary
d) igneous

Which of the following is associated with divergent plate boundaries?
a) mountain ranges
b) volcanoes
c) ocean trenches
d) earthquakes

At a subduction zone, one tectonic plate slides beneath another. What forms at that boundary?
a) a mountain range
b) a mid-ocean trench
c) an earthquake
d) a volcano

When fish swim in the water, which of Earth's spheres are interacting?
a) hydrosphere and biosphere
b) biosphere and atmosphere
c) atmosphere and geosphere
d) geosphere and hydrosphere

Which type of rock usually contains fossils?
a) metamorphic
b) sedimentary
c) igneous
d) carbonous

What is needed to form any rock?
a) ocean water
b) fossils
c) other rocks
d) heat

Where are igneous rocks commonly found?
a) in a riverbed
b) on top of a mountain
c) deep in Earth's mantle
d) near a volcano

What causes tectonic plates to move around?
a) convection in Earth's mantle
b) the spinning of the Earth
c) ocean currents
d) temperature differences between land and air

Which of the following statements is true?
a) igneous rocks can only turn into metamorphic rocks
b) Any rock can become another type of rock
c) Intense heat is always needed to turn a rock into a different type
d) Some rocks cannot become other types of rock

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